Frontier is a an application, by Dave Winer, UserLand Software, Inc., that can be used to build websites using glossaries, macros and templates.
PageSpinner supports editing of text objects in Frontier. When you save changes in PageSpinner, the text in Frontier is updated and the Frontier database is saved. Do the following to set up PageSpinner as the editor of WP text files when working with Frontier:
Click on the Object DB button in the Frontier.root toolbar.
Open the User table in the root window.
Open the odbEditors table in the user window.
Edit the value of TextEditor, type the path to and file name of PageSpinner
e.g., Macintosh HD:PageSpinner 2.0:PageSpinner
You will need to type the path correctly, otherwise Frontier will use the default editor, BBEdit.
Select Save in the File menu.
Close the windows.
Answer yes if Frontier asks to save changes made to the root table.
You should now be able to select a text in the Frontier tables and choose Edit with App from the Main menu [Cmd-E] to edit it with PageSpinner.
You should not use the Save As... command, and you can't have the box "Use this settings for all files saved in PageSpinner" in the "File:Preferences: Default filing options..." checked when you are editing Frontier files with PageSpinner.
You may also need to import some PageSpinner definitions that Frontier may need, the tables are located inside this folder. These files do not contain the AppleScript support added in PageSpinner 2.0.
Menu sharing was planned for PageSpinner 2.0, but regrettably a few compiler-related problems with the latest implementation of menu sharing with Frontier made this not possible. We are interested in getting feedback on using PageSpinner with Frontier, so if you use it drop us a note at
Thanks to Tim Paustian for help with implementing support for Frontier.